Recent Advance in Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and Risk Stratification of Essential Thrombocythemia
Cancer Therapy & Oncology- Juniper Publishers Abstract In the 2016 version of WHO classification, bone marrow morphology is critical in the distinction between ET and pre-PMF. Reticulin-fiber grading becomes central: grade 1 or less is needed for ET. Furthermore, CALR assessment must be performed in all ET patients without JAK2 mutation. Some prognostic implications have been described for CALR mutations, i.e., a lower risk of thrombosis in ET. Abbreviations: MPN: Myelo Proliferative Neoplasm; WHO: World Health Organization; JAK: Janus kinase; CALR: Calreticulin; bp: base pair; MPL: Myelo Proliferative Leukemia virus oncogene; TPO: Thrombo Protein; RARS-T: Refractory Anemia with Ring Sideroblasts associated with marked Thrombocytosis; PMF: Primary Myelo Fibrosis; IPSET: The Internati...