Can Dynamic Conformal arc be an Option in Epidermoid Cervical Cancer Treatment? - Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Cancer Therapy and Oncology

Can Dynamic Conformal arc be an Option in Epidermoid Cervical Cancer Treatment?

Authored by  Jacksson S

Historically locally advanced cancer of the cervix has been treated with radiotherapy and brachytherapy and it was not until 1999 that the use of concurrent chemotherapy was formalized due to excellent results in terms of rate of overall and disease-free survival. Box technique in radiotherapy is the most widely known providing excellent results, with some variations as oblique fields, but greatly increasing irradiation potentially healthy tissue, leading to the higher proportion of own side effects of each treatment. Therefore present a radiant treatment planning mode Dynamic Conformal Arc for cervical carcinoma.Treatment with dynamic conformal arc achieves better conformation of tumor and area to be treated, avoiding unnecessary doses to organs at risk (OAR), compared to conventional four fields irradiation technique (box technique), further significantly reduces the treatment time.Dynamic Conformal Arc (DAT) technique in the pelvis reduces irradiation dose in the organs at risk, making a good coverage of the clinical area to be treated, further decreasing the side effects. It could be considered as an alternative to conventional treatment of 4 fields or to the impossibility of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT).


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